Conscious Capitalism and the Left-Right Divide

March 02, 2016
  • Raj Sisodia
  • Raj Sisodia
    FW Olin Distinguished Professor of Global Business


The government is way too big and powerful and abusive. We must elect Republicans to protect people from it.

近几十年来,这个国家的左右分歧变得更加明显. 套用拉迪亚德·吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling)的话说:“左就是左,右就是右,两者永远不会相遇。.” The current Republican front-runner, businessman Donald Trump, has long been known for his brash and remorseless leadership style. 左派的伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)把自己定位为唯一有能力也愿意与邪恶贪婪的资本家斗争的候选人,这些资本家从人民手中偷走了推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的国家. 最近的一项盖洛普民意调查显示,只有五分之一的美国人对大企业充满信心, 在他们调查的所有机构中,这是最低的数字之一(只有国会排名更低)。.

认为商业本质上是贪婪和具有破坏性的,这不仅是愤世嫉俗和令人沮丧的, it has the story backwards. Let us never forget, first and foremost, that modern capitalism has been the solution to humanity’s misery; starting around 1800 and for the first time in human history, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜经历了贫困的急剧下降,因为更多的人获得了更多的机会,因为自由市场和自由人民的传播——这就是资本主义的真正含义.

不难理解为什么许多美国人会有这样的想法:成功的企业需要无情和自私的人来经营. In the early days of the republic, most business leaders were religious men rooted in Judeo-Christian ethics. But over time, capitalism lost its moral/ethical foundation. It became amoral and the cause of suffering for too many.

例如,在19世纪90年代,卡内基钢铁公司削减工资,每周工作六天,每天工作12小时. Soon, nearly 10% of steelworkers were dying on the job each year. 公司派出私人平克顿军队镇压抗议的工人,并杀害了其中许多人. Why? Because Andrew Carnegie wanted to be richer than John D. Rockefeller, and for that he needed to increase profits.

Naturally, such tactics fed the growing and increasingly militant union movement. 模式变得清晰起来:工人和业主站在谈判桌上的对立面,他们的利益本质上是不可调和的. 所有这些都为社会主义和马克思主义火上浇油,很快使整个世界在左右轴心上分裂开来——这种分裂一直持续到今天,在过去的几十年里一直在增长.

Today, if you drive through many small towns in Wisconsin or Ohio or Michigan, 或者在宾夕法尼亚州的农村,或者在加州的许多地方,或者实际上在这个国家的大部分地区, 你会看到许多悲伤和鲜明的迹象,表明一个世界和一种生活方式已经逐渐消失. Decaying hulks of abandoned factories, shuttered warehouses, 空置的办公楼是曾经繁荣的制造业经济所留下的唯一东西, well-paying jobs and supported full, vibrant lives for tens of millions of people.

Even among businesses that are still operating, 你可以看到,许多拥有自豪传统的人正试图通过缩小自己的方式走向成功, 为了生存,他们经常宣布大规模裁员和无休止的“重组”. You see people losing their livelihoods, along with their sense of self-worth and hope for the future. You see communities being hollowed out, schools operating at a fraction of their capacity, young people leaving en masse in a despairing search for opportunities elsewhere. It feels like a race to the bottom; everything that can be cut has been cut, and little of value remains.

造成这一切的原因是一种已在商界扎根的腐蚀性思维模式, based on a narrow and cynical view of human beings. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜今天看到的破坏,是始于工业革命头几十年的一场正在展开的变革的可预见的终点.

曾经使这些社区繁荣的资本主义企业的核心存在一个致命的缺陷:从一开始, employees were treated as functions or human “resources,” as interchangeable as the parts they labored to produce. 在安全和更好的工作条件方面的让步是不情愿的,而且是在冷漠的管理层和激进的工会之间旷日持久的斗争之后才得到的. Lacking heart and passion and soul, 这样的企业最终很容易成为更精明的竞争对手的牺牲品,这些竞争对手的运营成本更低,而且愿意钻任何可能的空子.

It doesn’t have to be this way. 为在这类社区生活和工作的人们恢复希望并提供安全的未来是可能的, indeed in all communities. But to do that, we first have to radically change the way we think about business, about people, and about leadership. If we do so, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜可以建立蓬勃发展的组织,为所有服务于他们并依赖于他们的人带来快乐和满足.

Though they are the exceptions rather than the rule, 今天确实存在这样的组织,其中与企业相关的每个人都在蓬勃发展:客户, employees, suppliers, communities and investors. Such companies operate with an innate sense of higher purpose, 决心为所有的利益相关者创造多种价值, have leaders who care about their purpose and their people, 建立在信任、真实和对人类真诚关怀的基础上的文化. 我在我的书中记录了其中一些公司的情况,如《推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您》、《推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您》和《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》 Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring For Your People Like Family, co-written with Bob Chapman about his company, Barry-Wehmiller.

At Barry-Wehmiller, 这种商业方式正在慢慢地给美国制造业带来复兴. 事实证明,这种心态在世界各地的不同地区都是有效的,在制造业以外的商业环境中也同样有效.

It’s time to remind America that we should be bringing our deepest sense of right, authentic caring, and high ideals to business. With this approach to business and leadership, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜在丰富团队成员生活的同时创造非凡的股东价值方面有着良好的记录. It is an approach that has been tested, refined, 并且在几个不同的国家和美国的许多城镇被证明是有效的.

Ultimately, we all want the same thing: human and planetary flourishing. People on the left and right can agree: the business of business is people, as legendary Southwest Airlines CEO Herb Kelleher put it. Unconscious capitalism fed and strengthened the left-right divide; caring, conscious capitalism can help close it.


Raj Sisodia is the co-author of  the Wall Street Journal best seller, 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》,也是《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》和《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》畅销书《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》的合著者. He is also Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Conscious Capitalism Inc. His newest book, Shakti Leadership: Embracing Feminine and Masculine Power in Business is available May 2.

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